#3 of 5 Top Smart Consulting Sourcing Podcast
So, we’re well into the summer, and as if the entire world has gone slow-mo. Everyone’s a little bit lax, including us. But don’t you worry, we’ve still got you covered with some great content. We’ve made a list of our five best Smart Consulting Sourcing podcasts for you to enjoy over the summer break. So, sit back, relax, and have a listen!
This week we’ve once again come up with one of our most-loved episodes, focused on the future of the consulting industry and where it is heading towards. It is a known fact that the management consulting sector is expanding, but its also facing a lot of challenges along the way.
Management consultancies are still grappling with how to deal with the disruptions in the industry including digital technologies and emerging business models. Not just that, but there’s lots more.
Listen to the full podcast Where Is The Consulting Industry Going In 2022?
Enjoy the podcast episode and do share your thoughts on this subject. We’ll look forward to hearing from you. Meanwhile, you can also tune in to our YouTube channel and watch our videos on everything consulting. Link is below.
Thank you for reading!