Change will come from the clients
Consultants have few incentives to change the status quo
When it comes to disruption, large consulting firms have no interest to disrupt the current situation. Niche consultancies and alternative business models exist, but they struggle to grow and gain visibility.
Consulting is being disrupted
The traditional integrated consulting offering is exploding into pieces. Marketing & Sales, Expert Knowledge, Analytics & Data, Methodologies & Solutions, Services, Talent & Staffing all key pillars are facing tremendous change .
Digital is changing the face of procurement
If clients take the time to look for the right consultants using state-of-the-art procurement processes, systems and specific solutions for consulting, then both savings and value will support their decision.
Clients can make it happen
Clients are more equipped than they think to take advantage of disruptions in consulting and procurement and at the same time reduce their costs and create more value. If they dare to !

How we Help





We help clients to manage their consulting category, reduce overall costs, accelerate strategy execution and implement best in class processes. This in turn increases the maturity of their consulting procurement capabilities.

We partner with clients throughout the entire consulting sourcing process. Our team of consulting procurement experts provides a white glove service to find and select the right consultants within the target budget.

We offer a full range of solutions to help companies easily manage demand, source consultants, measure their performance and manage the consulting category while reducing costs and maximizing value.

And Learning!
We have an extensive library of thought leadership and methodologies. We enable peer exchange and group learning though our communities and academy.
Let's Talk
Want to discuss your Project with Us?
Our experts are there to bounce ideas and explore what could be done to help you .
Feel free to reach out. No strings attached.