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Art of Procurement Podcast

Neste episódio do podcast, Philip Ideson pergunta a Hélène Laffitte, fundadora e CEO da Consulting Quest, algumas das perguntas mais ouvidas sobre o gerenciamento de gastos com consultoria.
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World Procurement Awards

A Consulting Quest foi selecionada como finalista do World Procurement Awards 2018 na categoria Best Procurement Consultancy Project Award.
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Industry Era Magazine

Consulting Quest teve a honra de ser selecionado como “os 10 melhores fornecedores de soluções de 2018” pela Industry Era Magazine
Chapa de ebulição

Versão Curta

Consulting Quest ajuda as empresas a criar mais impacto ao usar, comprar e gerenciar melhor os Serviços de Consultoria.

Versão Longa

Fundada em 2014, a Consulting Quest é líder mundial em constratação de consultoria. Na Consulting Quest, estamos convencidos de que as empresas podem alcançar seus objetivos de maneira mais rápida e melhor, aproveitando de forma inteligente a consultoria gerencial. “Criar mais impacto ao usar, comprar e gerenciar melhor os Serviços de Consultoria”. Sabemos como ajudar as empresas a fazer exatamente isso.

Temos parcerias com executivos e também com equipes de compras. Oferecemos soluções personalizadas que abordam todas as etapas do processo de sourcing de consultoria para controlar seus custos e maximizar o impacto que eles obtêm de seus gastos com consultoria. Sendo "pure player" líder em sourcing de consultoria, operamos em escala global, combinando recursos digitais e humanos para cumprir nossa promessa: sourcing de consultoria inteligente.

Visita Consultingquest.com Para maiores informações.

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Mais sobre a Consulting Quest
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Mídia social

Consulting isn’t just a line-item expense; it’s a strategic investment poised to propel organizations toward unprecedented growth and efficiency. By balancing cost considerations with strategic alignment and reinvesting savings wisely, we can unlock the transformative power of consulting and ...chart a course toward enduring success.

In this episode of the Smart Consulting Sourcing podcast, we're delving into five key ways that cost savings from consulting can benefit companies. Join your host, Helene, as she explores the connections between cost, value, and how they fuel organizational transformation. Discover how navigating this terrain wisely can reshape the future trajectory of your company.

Watch here: https://youtu.be/EPxmGk3Dl_g

#SCSPodcast #SmartConsultingSourcing #ConsultingCosts #ConsultingProcurement #ConsultingSourcing

Greetings, esteemed real estate watchers!

Real estate has been quite the rollercoaster lately, hasn't it? The winds of change really started blowing last year when the European Central Bank decided to shake things up by tweaking its interest policy. That move had ripple effects across... the globe, with property values taking a hit and transaction volumes plummeting faster than a lead balloon.

Fortunately, it's not all doom and gloom! As we step into 2024, there's a glimmer of hope on the horizon. Sure, we've had to navigate through some stormy seas, but there are signs that the ship is steadying, with opportunities aplenty waiting to be seized.

Against this backdrop, in this issue of This Week in Consulting, we dive deep into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the global real estate industry for 2024. From pandemic recovery to geopolitical uncertainties, we've got insights to help you navigate through the choppy waters.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the articles, soak up the knowledge, and let's start a conversation.

Read here: https://consulting.wiki/global-real-estate-this-week-in-consulting/

#ThisWeekInConsulting #TWIC #RealEstate

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