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Nous pouvons affirmer longuement que nous sommes les experts en conseil en approvisionnement. Mais la meilleure façon de vous convaincre est probablement de partager certaines des connaissances que nous mettons à profit pour soutenir nos clients. Nous avons développé une vaste bibliothèque de leadership éclairé. Nous partageons nos connaissances à travers différents formats. Vous pouvez télécharger nos livres blancs et guides pratiques ou obtenir un aperçu de nos livres. Vous pouvez également vous asseoir, vous détendre et regarder certaines de nos vidéos. Et si vous avez des commentaires vous savez où nous trouver !

leadership éclairé

Commencez dès aujourd'hui avec des stratégies haut de gamme organisées en étapes simples et faciles que vous pouvez mettre en œuvre immédiatement.

Successfully managing the consulting sourcing process
Successfully managing the consulting sourcing process

Review the main steps in the process of managing the sourcing of Consulting projects, from defining the needs, formalizing all the elements in the RFP, assessing the written proposals, getting closer to selecting the best provider, managing, and terminating contracts?

Scanning for performance
Scanning for performance

Explore how companies that are managing a significant number of Consulting projects can professionalize the management of their Consulting Spend and capture quick gains by implementing a simple set of actions.

Focusing the efforts  to maximize value
Focusing the efforts to maximize value

Identify the key areas where you need to focus your efforts to maximize the Value you will get from the project. Many organizations focus on the negotiation stage when aligning the objectives, scoping and sourcing the right consultants is what creates more Value.

Diagnosing your Consulting Procurement Maturity
Diagnosing your Consulting Procurement Maturity

Consulting Procurement Organizations should aim to reach a high level of maturity, where the team is using best-in-class practices and brings significant efficiency gains for the Procurement group and company as a whole. But before an organization can draw its path to excellence, it must first evaluate where it stands today on the Maturity Grid. Understanding the starting point of your Consulting Procurement Journey is probably as important as defining where you want to go.

Assessing your consulting strategy alignment
Assessing your consulting strategy alignment

Understand how companies can generate more value through Consulting by aligning their Consulting Spend with their Strategy


    Commencez dès aujourd'hui avec des stratégies haut de gamme organisées en étapes simples et faciles que vous pouvez mettre en œuvre immédiatement.

    Key Elements to Include in Your Consulting Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide
    Key Elements to Include in Your Consulting Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

    Unlock the Secrets to Effective Consulting Agreements with Our Comprehensive Guide! Dive into the world of consulting agreements and learn the key elements for success. From detailed insights on Statements of Work to navigating complex terms and conditions, our guide provides invaluable information for both clients and consultants. Discover essential components like governance models, metrics, and handling deviations, all crucial for a smooth partnership. Don't miss out on expert advice - download our eBook now and transform your consulting agreements into powerful tools for success. Get your copy today and pave the way to collaborative excellence!


      Que vous envisagiez d'acheter un seul projet ou que vous ayez déjà recours au conseil régulièrement, ces guides transformeront votre approche.

      Taxonomy - Guide
      Taxonomy - Guide

      Have you ever found yourself browsing a consultant website and wondering: “what do they concretely do? What problems do they solve? And what are they actually good at?”

      The good news if we can refer to it this way is that you are not alone. For companies that are helping others to define their value proposition, sharpen their strategy and optimize their marketing budgets, many consulting firms are quite slow to embrace the internet and even more social media.

      So to facilitate your future browsing we have tried in this chapter to give you an overview of the key dimensions that characterize the DNA of a consulting firm.

      Expertise & micro-consulting platforms
      Expertise & micro-consulting platforms

      Beyond the traditional model like GLG, Third Bridge, Alphasight, or Guidepointe, new business models have emerged in the expertise-on-demand such as Machine-driven Expert Networks such as NewtonX, techspert or proSapient.
      In this Guide, we present a list of these networks including the website link and the industries served



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        Acheter du conseil n'est pas un talent. C'est une compétence. Accédez à tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour faire passer vos achats de conseil au niveau supérieur avec le projet Projet Smart Consulting Sourcing

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