Chronique des marchés publics de services de conseil - décembre 2024

Chronique des marchés publics de services de conseil - décembre 2024

Welcome to the December 2024 edition of the Consulting Procurement Chronicle!
We wrapped up the year with insights and strategies that addressed some of the most pressing topics in consulting and procurement. From tackling the challenges of digital transformation to understanding the value consultants bring beyond expertise, December was packed with actionable content to help you navigate the consulting landscape.

We explored how to prioritise consulting projects for ROI, evaluated performance metrics for consultants, and even found inspiration from sports legends to drive consulting success. Let’s take a look back at all that we covered this month.


Notre page Contenus Consulting Procurement Chronicle – December 2024 started with an exploration of the hurdles businesses face in digital transformation.

We delved into the barriers that often derail digital transformation initiatives—ranging from resistance to change to misaligned strategies—and offered solutions to overcome them. The insight highlighted how consultants can play a pivotal role in guiding organisations through these complex transitions.

👉 Catch up on this insight and learn how to navigate your own digital transformation journey.

Les principaux défis de la transformation numérique de l'approvisionnement en services de conseil : Êtes-vous en tête ou à la traîne ?

Découvrez comment la transformation numérique des achats de conseil peut révolutionner les économies, optimiser la prise de décision et aligner les achats sur les objectifs de durabilité. Apprenez des stratégies exploitables pour tirer parti de l'IA, de l'analyse prédictive et des plateformes de pointe afin de surmonter les défis et de favoriser la réussite stratégique.

Lire la suite

Les principaux défis de la transformation numérique de l'approvisionnement en services de conseil


As part of our Consulting Procurement Chronicle – December 2024, we published four impactful articles on, each designed to enhance your consulting practices.

How to Prioritise Your Consulting Projects for Maximum ROI: This article outlined a practical framework for aligning consulting projects with organisational priorities. By focusing on ROI, it showed how businesses can make smarter decisions about their consulting investments.

👉 Revisit this article to refine your project prioritisation strategy.

The Value of Consultants: Expertise, Objectivity, and Organisational Politics: We explored how consultants provide value beyond their deliverables—offering fresh perspectives, mitigating bias, and navigating complex organizational dynamics.

👉 Check out this piece to understand how consultants can elevate your projects.

How to Measure Consultant Performance Effectively: This article broke down the essential metrics and methods for evaluating consultant performance, helping organisations ensure that engagements deliver on their promises.

👉 Revisit this guide to fine-tune your performance evaluation processes.

Driving Consulting Performance: Channelling Your Inner Ronaldo: Inspired by the world of sports, this article drew parallels between elite athletic performance and successful consulting engagements, offering tips to maximize impact.

👉 Catch up on this piece for a fresh perspective on achieving consulting success.

As we close out the Consulting Procurement Chronicle – December 2024, we hope you found these insights valuable and actionable. With a mix of challenges, strategies, and inspiration, December’s content was designed to help you step into the new year with confidence.

Équipe chargée du contenu du CQ

L'équipe de contenu de #ConsultingQuest est une équipe hétéroclite d'individus aux parcours et compétences variés. Ce qui distingue l'équipe, c'est leur passion combinée pour l'écriture et pour aider les autres à grandir. Ils sont toujours à la recherche de nouvelles façons de s'engager avec la communauté et de créer un contenu qui résonne avec les lecteurs.

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